« Anterior 30/01/2012 - 14:02 Próxima »
This post is for you! @Violetartistry (:
"Sometimes a simple action creates satisfaction!" 

I want to thank you for all you have done for me! Every time you talked to me, believe, it is priceless! You"re a lovely person, very humble, friendly ... People can be at your side every day, can consider themselves blessed. And I just have to thank God for allowing, even from far away, talk to you!

"I believe in the power of friendship ...
No matter the distance,
When is a friend indeed, always will be close by,
Even if it on thought,
Because when friendship is born,
She is born within each one,
On Chest of each person
And it becomes part of you."

Cambio, desligo ;*
Xoxo ~ Isabela Cristina @FCFrancia_BR

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