Oi, gente. To indo pro s�tio, volto na segunda "��
AHAHA, e o Rupes olhando pro bumbum da Emma? Que � isso? O Daniel, por sua vez, sempre est� olhando pros peitos dela xDEu vi uma frase do David Thewlis sobre o Gary que achei muito fofa. Vou colocar em Ingl�s, se algu�m tiver d�vidas bota no google translator, HAHAHA..
�Gary actually came around the next morning, because we lived near each other at the time, and he said, �Have you seen the new book? We�ve got a lot of work to do, mate.� He was quite happy, and I didn�t know how to break it to him. So I said, �Have you actually read it yet, Gaz?� �No, just flicked through it.� A few days later I�m in makeup and he comes in and sits down and goes, �Have you heard the news?� �What�s that, Gaz?� �It�s terrible fucking news� �What is it?� �You know how everyone is talking about who dies in book five? It�s fucking me! This woman puts the poor bastard in prison for 12 years, brings him back for a few scenes, and then she kills him!�
HAHAHA, pobre Gary.
Alguns caps que eu fiz durante o livestream da premiere Londrina de HP7.2, agora. No primeiro, o Jason est� tipo falando "N�o tire fotos da minha bunda!", UHASAUHSAUHS (ah, o de costas � o Jim Broadbent)