Oi bb"s,vortei,agora to feliz... KKKK to ouvindo umas musicas do tempo em q minha v� n�o pensava em ter filhos OAKSOAKSOAKSOAKS ""He used to carry his guitar in a gunny sack,
Go sit beneath a tree by the railroad track Oh the engineers would see him sittin in the shade,Strummin with the rhythm that the drivers made, People passin" by they would stop and say "Oh my but that little country boy can play" sou meio tarada por musicas velhas e dai? KKKK -nbeijos.
Go sit beneath a tree by the railroad track Oh the engineers would see him sittin in the shade,Strummin with the rhythm that the drivers made, People passin" by they would stop and say "Oh my but that little country boy can play" sou meio tarada por musicas velhas e dai? KKKK -n
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