" I T W A S A B R I E F F L I C K E R O F L I G H T
A M I D S T A N O C E A N O F D A R K N E S S. "
Once Upon a Time // RUMBELLE
Novo look, gostaram? :) Ben-vindos a meu blog, Rumbelles. Este � un espa�o dedicado a meu casal favorito do Once Upon A Time, Rumpelstiltskin (Robert Carlyle) e Belle (Emilie de Ravin), e o BrOTP desses dois, tamb�m conhecido como "Remilie". Rumpel � meu personagem favorito de OUAT, e ele sempre vai ser HAHAHAH, Robert � o melhor sim... e minha Belle, minha Emilie, ela � meu cupcake amado *-* o amor de Rumpel pela Belle � tao maravilhoso *-* eu amo esse par.... awnt, olhem so, meu montagem lindo*-* nao tem fotos deles dois u.u mais VAMOS TER RUMBELLE NO 5X06 AAAAAA ...nao sao a coisa mais PERFEEEITA??..MEUS DEARIES CARALHO ∞ EU AMO DEMAIS!!! olhem que cupcakes perfeitos sao esses dois *----* FINALLLLMENTEEEEE RUMBELLERS, VAMOS TER NOSSA DOSIS DE SHIP, MEUS LINDOOOOS *-* AAAAH 5X06 VEM J�, DOMINGOOOOO EU PRECISO RUMBELLE. OLHEM SO QUE PERFEITA EMILIE, QUE MARAVILHOSO MEU ROBERT, EU ESTOU J� MORTAAAAAAAA PRECISO VER THE BEAR AND THE BOW. buem, espero vcs gostem aqui! beijinhos.
"- Rumpel: Please, I, I can"t fight
- M�rida: No, you won"t fight, BIG difference. You know, my father used to say: "If you want a lad to fight, give him something to fight for.
- Rumpel: Wha, what are you doing?
-M�rida: Reminding you of what you have to fight for! *chipped cup*
- Rumpel: Where did you get that?
- M�rida: Oh It means something to you, doesn"t it? If you want it, you"re gonna have to fight me for it. OOOh, I see it"s chipped. Must be fragile. We wouldn"t want to drop it, would we?
- Rumpel: NO, PLEASE DON"T. *fights*
- M�rida: did you feel that?
- Rumpel: feel what?
- M�rida: That swim right there. You weren"t thinking about you, you were thinking of her. That was an act of true bravery"