This is where you write stuff for tab 1.
This is where you put stuff for tab 2.
- If you don"t need 4 info tabs - just make sure to delete the TAB NAME in the appearance section of the customize page.
- If you want to make some of the links on the side links instead of links to show tabs - just make sure to put a url where it says TAB URL.
- If you want need to make more tabs/side links - if you know CSS you can just simply copy and paste more tabs/links. Just make sure that the divs after d are e, f, g, etc.
If you are making a side link instead of a link to create a hover over box you need to make sure you still make a div with the corresponding letter, but not have anything between the divs.
This is because for each link it"s to correspond with the letter. So if you have a 5th link but don"t want a 5th box, but then have a 6th link and box, if you don"t have an "e" div because e is the 5th letter, then the 6th link will still call the box before not the 6th box. (Hope that makes sense.)
If you don"t know CSS I wouldn"t recommend fiddling with it and if you want more links I would suggest just having them in one of the hover over boxes.
If you want to make it an about page, you can simply just use it on a test blog and change all the colors, add images etc. And then just right click + copy source > make a new page on the tumblr you want the about me page on > make sure to set it to custom layout > then paste.