Aqui t� t�o abandonadinho ;/ aahh eu to mesmo sem tempo de att aqui, e o flogvip anda meio vazio tamb�m... enfim, t� att agora pra verem que eu n�o morri u.u asdfghjkl well, qualquer dias desses eu ponho um novo look aqui, <333 beijos na boca ;*
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Two X � Ring Ma Bell
T�tulo do �lbum: Ring Ma Bell
Artista: Two X
Download: 4Shared
Two X � Ring Ma Bell
T�tulo do �lbum: Ring Ma Bell
Artista: Two X
Download: 4Shared
"I can�t even stay because you aren�t with me, I am slowly dying but you�re not here." (Sistar19 - Gone Not Around Any Longer)