« Anterior 03/11/2009 - 16:10 Próxima »
= Welcome The Best Of Both Worlds =

______MIL _���������
____MILEY _�����____���
___MILEYC _�����_____���
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__MILEY __�������_____���
__MILEY _�_______�____���
MILEY�������������� MILE_���


I Thought I Lost You

Nobody listens to me
Dont hear a single thing I"ve said
Say anything to soothe me,
Anything to get you from my head
Don"t know how really I feel,
The faith that takes to make like I don"t care
Dont know how much it hurts
To turn around like you were never there
Like somehow you could be replaced
And I could walk away from the promises we made
And swore wed never break

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I"d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
But I kept the moments that we were in
"Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you

I felt so empty out there, and there were days I had my doubts
But I knew I"d find you somewhere
Because I knew I couldn"t live without you in my life for one more day
And I swore I"d never break a promise we made

I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I"d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
But I kept the moments that we were in
"Cause I hoped in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you

I told myself I wouldnt sleep "til I searched the world from sea to sea

I made a wish upon a star, I turned around and there you were

And now here we are, are

Here we are

I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you too
I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you


I thought I lost you when you ran away to try to find me
I thought I"d never see your sweet face again
I turned around and you were gone and on and on the days went
But I kept the moments that we were in
And I knew in my heart, that you would come back to me, my friend
And now I got you, but I thought I lost you

But I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you too
So glad I got you, got you
So glad I got you, yeah yeah
I thought I lost you
I thought I lost you too


Info..... Da Miley

Nome verdadeiro: destiny hope cyrus

Nome artistico: miley cyrus ( a pronuncia � maili sairus)

Data de nascimento: 23 de novembro de 1992
Nomes dos pais: billy ray cyrus , leticia cyrus
Irm�os: nahh lindsey,braison chance,trace,brandi e christopher cody

Apelido: miley, de smiley (nome da carinha amarela sorridente :) /.seu pai a apelidou
assim porque ela smp estava sorrindo

Anima de estima�ao: tres cachorros chamados loko,juicy e minnie pear

Cor preferida: rosa

Som favorito: da chuva

Hobby: fazer compras

Hora do dia: 1 da tarde

Comida: chinesa

Exercicio: andar de bicicleta

Estilo musical: pop rock

Musica: beating heart baby, de head automatica

Filme: high school musical

Amigas: brenda song e ashley tisdale

Amiga-idolo: hilary duff � f�: das atrizes angelina jolie e jennifer aniston

Mania: quase smp usa um anel com a palavra love,presente de sua mae

Justi�a: em janeiro do ano passado,ela conseguiu mudar oficialmente seu
nome para miley ray cyrus



Miley nasceu em Nashville, Tennessee, filha do cantor de m�sica country, Billy Ray Cyrus, e de Leticia "Tish" Cyrus e neta de Ron Cyrus. Ela tem quatro irm�os: Trace (vocalista da banda Metro Station) e Brandi - por parte de m�e; Christopher Cody - por parte de pai; Noah Lindsey (que tamb�m � atriz, participou de Hannah Montana) e Braison Chance. Ela ganhou o nome de Destiny Hope porque seus pais acreditavam que ela iria trazer coisas boas. E ganhou o apelido de "Miley" porque seu pai sempre chamou ela de Smiley, por ela sorrir muito.

Recentemente, a atriz e cantora solicitou ao Tribunal Superior de Los Angeles a mudan�a de seu nome legal para Miley Ray Cyrus. O pai da menina de dezesseis anos, o cantor de country Billy Ray Cyrus, escreveu na solicita��o que a mudan�a era para "fazer com que o nome com o qual � conhecida comumente seja o mesmo que o legal". Em ocasi�es anteriores, a atriz tinha comentado que seu pai a chamava, quando pequena, pelo sobrenome Smiley por causa da sua personalidade alegre. Em 29 de janeiro de 2008, ela mudou oficialmente o seu nome para "Miley Ray Cyrus"; o nome do meio foi uma homenagem ao seu pai.


= It"s so much better cuz you know you"ve got the best of both worlds =

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