« Anterior 29/10/2011 - 02:39 Próxima »
Carol Celico em entrevista a Istoe Independente
Gente, essa entrevista est� bem legal.. Me surpreendi demais com algumas declara��es da Carol, achava que ela era de outro jeito quando era da Renascer em Cristo.
Mas enfim, achei super legal e humilde da parte dela reconhecer os erros!
Afinal, todos n� cometemos n�? So Deus pode julgar!
Vou dormir, amanha/hoje termino de postar as fotos da Carol e algumas que sairam do Kaka tambem!

:: Real Madrid vs Real Sociedad, 29/10, 18h (Brasilia) - arrasa Kaka!
Carol Celico diz: "eu me achava superior aos outros"

(translation of the interview to english)
Carol Celico says: �I thought I was superior�

Carol, 24 years old, is late. When she arrived at the hotel where the interview held, she came in and excused: �I had to wait for so long at doctor�s clinic� argues, with an amazing look (make up, clothes, jewelry). Mom of Luca (3 years old) and Isabella (6 months old), she took her kids to go to pediatrician in Brazil. Wife of Kaka (elected the best soccer player in 2007 in Fifa Awards), she�s in Brazil to spread her CD and DVD. Two years after leaving Renascer em Cristo Church, she enjoys her spiritual liberty. �I grew up so much.. I thought I was superior, and that�s one of the worst features I�ve ever had!�.

The growing process wasn�t easy. She started dating Kaka when she was 15 and one year later she decided, by herself, to participate of Renascer�s Church, which one that Kaka used to go since young. She was baptized, took some courses to study the Bible and started following the church�s meetings compulsively. Her mother, Rosangela Lyra, catholic, tried to stop Carol: �she wanted to protect me and make me leave Renascer�s church, but I entered more and more�, points Carol. The fights got all the limits and Caroline and Rosangela almost broke relationship. �I threw away her religion stuff, I was completely involved.. I was fanatic�.

In 2005, Carol (18) married with Kaka at Renascer�s Church in Sao Paulo (the local doesn�t exist anymore �cause it ruined some years later the wedding). When she moved to Milan, Kaka�s already lived there since 2003, she decided to spread Renascer�s church all over Europe. At this period, Carol became a minister and started giving advises by internet. In 2009, she said that God had given money to Real Madrid to buy Kaka: �I really regret saying it! I�ve heard from a person and I reproduced�. When asked about the author of the statement, Carol just smiles, drinks some water and says: �I don�t think like that old Carol who was immature. I wanna follow my way with my own legs, by myself. That�s why I left Renascer em Cristo.�

In 2009, Carol left the church. She doesn�t detail the situation, just tells that she saw things, which were told to her, but she never believed in. She admits her mistakes and points that she tried to gratify men, not God. �I went to church and I felt I was a super woman of faith, but when I arrived home, I was wrong with people who worked for me�. Like a sponge, she just absorbed the behavior of some people around her. People, according to Carol, with no love, respect. She�s direct when talks about church�s problems: �it needed more administration�.

Today, Caroline doesn�t go to any church and prefers to pray at home with family. Family that she fortified union, mainly when Kaka was injured. �We noticed that soccer is not everything� says. In hard moments, Carol tried to encourage Kaka repeating to him all his victories in career; but the way was really hard. �Some friends simply departed and stayed away from Kaka due to his condition in not playing. But this happens in every careers, even more when the person is very known, as Kaka is.�

Called up for Mano Menezes some days ago to play again in National Team, Kaka will be back and probably that �friends� too. Caroline will receive them open hearted. �We need mates too, not just close friends�. While Kaka�s backing to his old performance, Carol enjoys her new project, named �horizontal love�. It�s about a site which is gonna provide donations (food, health) to poor people: �I wanna help some small institutions that cares about poor kids, no matter religion� says Carol, showing that old Caroline is in past now.

Traduzida por mim; caso use, por favor d� os creditos ao Flogvip/Fcdokaka :)
Amo Kaka, Carol, Luca, Isabellaa

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