« Anterior 27/02/2013 - 13:32 Próxima »
post pfvr <3
First of all , eu n�o vou ficar hoje! pretendo ficar no /armitage , ent�o se quiser falar comigo , vai l�! Second! pfvr , votem no Tom no Jameson Empire Awards 2013. here! Relaxa , n�o precisa preencher tudo! � s� colocar Tom Hiddleston no "Jameson Best Actor" , The Hobbit no "Best Sci-Fi / Fantasy" e The Avengers no "Best Film" , pronto! todos meus bbs saem ganhando , olha que lindo! KLDSLKASHFDLSHDFH thank u , bxo.

anne ps and no one else will take care of here!
links : twitter , tumblr , tom hiddleston , crdts , .
+ ohkristen , ejs , bcumberbatch , batb , doctorwho.

" Never stop. Never stop fighting. Never stop dreaming. "
anne + f v / h i d d l e s
twitter, tumblr, instagram, , logins.
about tom:
+ thais ari karol isis
mai ma�ra blankha may gabi
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