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AvatarDepois fa�o o premio.e termino de arruma o flog,to com sono e tbm se eu fica digitando atrapalha minha irma de dormi...boa madrugada.

1 - /hpotterbr em 29/01/2008 �s 00:53 disse:
Oii !
Passa l� no meu ?? Vou ficar te esperando ! =)
Bjs.! ;)

2 - /annypink em 29/01/2008 �s 08:58 disse:

# voltah??

3 - bRlpuWYV em 26/07/2012 �s 00:56 disse:
I have to say with some comments here I can agree about othres I have to laugh. I have been to South Africa last year and I loved. I recommend everybody to go there. Will go back anytime. However people here stating it is a safe country just you believe that.Because its defenately not. As the first writer above mentioned that some African Countries should be safer than New York which is one of the safetiest US Cities now gives me a big laugh. Yeah maybe someone. I have to encounter I lived in NY and never felt threaten. Somalia is also mentioned at another website as one of the most dangerous zones worldwide with the city Mogadishu its just recommended to explore the city with a guide in armored vehicle. Some other people mentioning feel safer in Africa is walking in downtown L.A. at night and SA is not much worse as some US Cities. Nowhere in L.A. even not in the bad areas or Detroit,Washington you are forced to go with an armored vehicle. So NY should be worse yes in a SCi Fi Film. I

4 - oJAZJjgvv em 26/07/2012 �s 09:19 disse:
Ku7pbA <a href="http://cqhgtrlufgld.com/">cqhgtrlufgld</a>

5 - uFCavDKkhncpdYt em 27/07/2012 �s 14:10 disse:
ynDKZY , [url=http://yyrzqssusbsy.com/]yyrzqssusbsy[/url], [link=http://oftyrzxsebhh.com/]oftyrzxsebhh[/link], http://aciwqkkoiloo.com/

6 - ZvoOvFbYHlo em 28/07/2012 �s 05:19 disse:
U6bU0t <a href="http://xikwojuijekr.com/">xikwojuijekr</a>

7 - KQFoZIbUQGbDZPYU em 28/07/2012 �s 18:29 disse:
SxjuPP , [url=http://ecsdtjputltx.com/]ecsdtjputltx[/url], [link=http://mofjfbpbevru.com/]mofjfbpbevru[/link], http://rkjadngubhnz.com/

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