Eu tive isso no meu computador por um tempo e percebi que eu poderia muito bem compartilh�-lo. Eu ainda n�o publicou nenhuma das m�sicas / v�deos. Vou atualizar este post assim que houver novas m�sicas a serem adicionadas. [Nota: Songs from the trilha sonora original por Bear McCreary n�o est�o listados aqui.]
[�ltima atualiza��o: 18 de janeiro de 2014]
S E A S O N�� F O U R:
★ Promos/trailers:
"Serpents", by Sharon Van Etten [Trailer] [Youtube]
"Bad Moon Rising", by Mourning Ritual [Trailer] [Youtube]
★ Episode 1 (30 Days Without An Accident):
"Precious Memories", by The Stanley Brothers (song Rick is listening to while he�s farming) [Youtube]
★ Episode 2 (Infected):
"I�ve Got You Under My Skin", by Frank Sinatra (song Tyreese sings to Karen) [Youtube]
"I Don�t Want To Grow Up", by Tom Waits (song Beth sings to Judith) [Youtube]
★ Episode 4 (Indifference):
"Serpents" (demo), by Sharon Van Etten�(ending scene) [Youtube]
★ Episode 5 (Internment):
"Oats In The Water", by Ben Howard (when Hershel makes his first kill; it�s played again after Hershel and Maggie save Glenn and yet again when Hershel is crying) [Youtube]
★ Episode 6 (Live Bait):
"The Last Pale Light In The West", by Ben Nichols (opening scene) [Youtube]
. Flogvip.net/WalkingDead (c) tentando sempre trazer o melhor conte�do da melhor s�rie, para voc�.