{Candid} aiai, ontem nem postei, mas gra�as a Deus, porque ai eu estudei muito e n�o errei tudo na provaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~pulos~ tudo bem, eu colei, mas quem liga? o importante � que eu sabi a mat�ria, eu s� n�o lembrei "-" IAOJAIOJAIOAJIOAJIOAJAI♥
post by Vick Withlock , that is listening nothing and watching nothing
You say you got a real solution. Well, you know, we"d all love to see the plan
Links, motherfucker: TWITTER, MSN, CONTE�DO
You say you got a real solution. Well, you know, we"d all love to see the plan
Links, motherfucker: TWITTER, MSN, CONTE�DO