Ela est� usando um aplique cabe�a inteira(tictac-7 pe�as) 61cm 120g #60/She is using the clip-in hair extension 24" 120g #60 (7 pieces) ;)
Ela pintou com Exotic Colors as pe�as de turquesa e roxo/She hair died with Exotic Colors the pieces with turquoise and purple :3
Voc� pode comprar este aplique por R$350. No pagseguro vai at� 5x sem juros no cart�o(5x de R$70) ou de 6 a 12x com juros. Aceita boleto tamb�m. E no dep�sito d� 7% de desconto.
You can buy this hair extension using PAYPAL(100% safe - just need your paypal email to ask the money OR you can send the money to our paypal email).
USD(American Dollar): US$195
EUR(Euro): �175
GBP(British Pound): �160
(If you coin is EUR/GBP is better to buy with them because will have no credit card taxes ^^)
Color chart/Tabela de cores: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.384294945011141.1073741826.292804097493560&type=3
Shipping/Envio: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=424539577653344&set=a.384656108308358.1073741830.292804097493560&type=3&theater