« Anterior 13/10/2020 - 22:35 Próxima »
Amar � admirar com o cora��o. Admirar � amar com o c�rebro. Theophile Gautier
Download Fantasy Wallpaper by georgekev - c5 - Free on ZEDGE� now. Browse millions of popular air Wallpapers and Ringtones on Zedge and personalize your phone to suit you. Browse our content now and free your phoneOriginal Art Giclee/Print Printmaking, measuring: 38W x 64H x 0D cm, by: Paul Bond (United States). Styles: Magic Realism, Fantasy, Realism, Surrealism, Whimsical. Subject: Fantasy. Keywords: Zen, Japanese Pagoda, Floating, Ocean, Flying Boat, Magic, Cairn, Stacked Rocks, Buddhist, Stones. This Giclee/Print Printmaking is one of a kind and once sold will no longer be available to purchase. Buy art at Saatchi Art.(14) Cather!ne☘さん (@GatherCAST) / Twitter
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Não me considero poeta Descobri escrevendo por acaso

"Quando se ama, não é preciso entender o que acontece
 lá fora, porque tudo passa a acontecer
dentro de nós.

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